JRDT ( Joseph Rural Development Trust } is a small charity working in Tamil Nadu, Southern India.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Director Gives Blood

Sometimes it feels like you're giving all you've got... and there's always more needed... always more to do. Raj recently gave some blood for one of our patients. I guess you can't get a better analogy. There is only so much any of us can give!

But when faced with a multitude of need one can either give up and turn away, or one can look for a way forward. The way forward can't only be by giving, it has to be also by developing systems of self help. This is why we also put some of our energy and resources into Education as well as health care.

In the long term we need to encourage the economic development of the people we work with so that they can become independent of the 'hand out' culture, which at present many of them see as their only way forward.


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