Over 1650 pupils attended the dental camp arranged by JRDT on the 16th June 2006. Many thanks to Dr. Chandra Gupta and his team and a respectful thank you to the Headmaster of Koovathur High School, also to all the staff and children for their co-operation.
Useful instructions were given on proper dental care and maintenance as well as oral hygiene and proper diet. There was dental screening and free brushes and paste were given.
The event was held in the open air in the school playground. A public address system was set up and the children were divided into two groups to attend the sessions.
Everyone enjoyed the day which was very useful and which we hope will be a step towards reducing the large amount of dental problems, usually unattended, which are prevalent in the area. We will now follow up with treatment, where appropriate, with the cooperation of the Mobile Clinic from Ragaas Dental Collage.
Congratulations and thanks to Raj for so competently managing the smooth running of such a large event. Thanks again to Dr. Gupta for his useful and dedicated work. Thank you to Banyan Branch for contributions towards incidental expenses.
Follow up work, treatment, is now needed. We have a good relationship with Ragaas Dental Collage who offer their time and Mobile Clinic freely. We do, however, need to pay for medicines, anesthetics, transport costs, and lunch for the team of dentists. If you would like to sponsor such a camp ( £30 - £50 ) do please contact us. It is money very well spent. Thank you for reading this.
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